[Review] 001: Nose Threadlift at Lux Medical Aesthetic Clinic - I got something done

Aloha friends!

Today I'm here to share with you an experience I had never expected myself to have the courage to undergo.

If you know me long enough (or you could just see the previous few posts in this blog written a few years ago), you will know how much I had detest that feature of my face since young. I've always felt that it was too huge, too wide, not fitting for me. Hence I always had this "dream" - when I grow older, pass the legal age, I will save up money to undergo operation  and tweak the feature.

I know I am a huge advocate of "embracing your flaws", and how we should learn how to love our body. But as I grew up, I came to realise that loving ourselves can also mean providing ourselves the  opportunity to gain confidence. I will write another post on this topic, but for now, long story short, I am not against cosmetic surgery or any of that sort.

Anyways, back to what I was saying, so nope I did not went under the knife (probably because I am not sure if I want to do so permanently), but I went to do something to make a slight (or huge, depending on how you want to view it) difference to my face.

Yeap so the clinic I went to is LUX Aesthetics Medical Clinic. Stepping into here feels like coming into uptopian land, with my favourite pink and rose gold theme.

I first had a consultation with Dr Kellyn Shiau, which is the medical director of Lux. She was really patient with me and answered all the questions I had (at the end of this post there will be a short Q&A where you could too learn more about the treatment <: ) So, I've decided to go ahead and proceed on to doing Nose Threadlift.

Final photo before a taller nose bridge from Nose Threadlift!

Then it was numbing time, to reduce the pain from Nose Threadlift!

Adding Numbing Cream

I also did another treatment (HIFU - High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound) on that day hence the numbing was applied on my whole face - I will leave it for another post.

30 minutes later, my numbing was removed and I proceeded with HIFU first.

Then came the star of the show - time for a higher nose bridge :D

Injection of Nose Filler

Dr Kellyn helped me to make a marking first, then I was injected with Juvederm Ultraplus Hyaluronic Acid filler - as my nose was too flat and wide and a combination of fillers plus threads will give a better result.

Making marking on my face

Injecting of filler

Nose Threadlift Procedure

Then I was injected with local anesthesia along my nose bridge and tip, to minimise the pain from the insertion of nose threads.

Local Anesthesia injection

A hole was made at the tip of my nose, then came in the Nose Threads!

Making an entry hole for the nose threads to enter

Insertion of nose bridge thread

Insertion of nose tip thread


Look at my nose bridge O:

I am very pleased with the results of Nose Threadlift ahahah never in my life have I ever have a lifted nose hence you could see how overwhelmed I was with it ^^

Look at my new nose from Nose Threadlift! :D

Okay here's the Q&A section which you might be interested!

Q&A For Nose Threadlift

Q: What is Nose Threadlift?

A: It is a minimally invasive procedure to result in a higher, straighter and more defined nose bridge, smaller nose tip, lifting the nose. As shown above, the threads are inserted into the nose to create a lift. Even when the threads dissolves in the body, collagen fibres are left down, allowing the lifted nose to last 1-2 years.

Q: What's the difference between Nose Filler and Nose Threadlift?

A: Fillers varies based on types and brands, but the one that I did, Nose Filler, is using Juvederm Ultra Plus, which is a hyaluronic acid filler. Nose threads used in Nose Threadlift are made up of PDO (polydioxanone) which is commonly used for medical surgery. Both fully dissolve over time. However, fillers usually dissolve around 9-12 months, while Threadlift threads dissolve in 6-9 months, leaving collagen fibres to maintain results for up to 2 years.

Nose fillers can be placed directly into bumps to smoothen out the bridge of the nose, but there is a chance of spreading, hence resulting in a wider nose bridge. Nose threadlift on the other hand doesn't spread, hence will usually result in a slimmer nose (which was what I wanted in the first place).

The filler I used

Q: What's the pain level for Nose Threadlift?

To be extremely honest with you, there was pain. But no before you go, the pain was bearable. Mind me, my treshold of pain isn't very high so I am unable to tell you how much pain you will feel. For some people, they can feel no pain at all, while others might need pain killers. The most painful part of the treatment was when Dr Kellyn injected the local anesthesia at the bottom of my nose (just above my lips), which felt like extracting a deeply burrowed blackhead that disappeared once the anesthesia came into effect (almost immediately after). This is due to the large amount of nerves at that area. As the Nose Threads were inserted into my nose, I felt nothing (and I really do mean it, not a slightest feeling). Everybody has different perception of pain, so just use my words as reference (: But nevertheless, I feel that this result is definitely worth the pain.

Q: Is Nose Threadlift &/or Nose Fillers safe?

A: The Nose Fillers I've used are from a reputable company, and consist of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural subtance found in the body. PDO threads in Nose Threadlift have been used in the medical field for many years. Both will dissolve by the body overtime and remove through metabolic processes, hence I guess this shows how safe both treatments can be. Of course, as it is still a medical treatment, and there will be some potential risk, hence it is best to get your treatments done by a certified and trustable medical professional (:

For more information, visit their official website Lux Aesthetics Medical Clinic -Nose Threadlift to learn more (:

Lastly, I will once again thank Dr Kellyn for giving me the nose of my dreams (: I can now conquer the world with my nose tip facing the world first.

If you are interested in getting aesthetics treatments here's the information about Lux Aesthetics Medical Clinic :D
Opening hours: Monday - Friday [10.30am - 8pm] Saturday [10.30am - 4pm]
 Sunday &P.H. [10.30am - 4pm] (By appointment only)
Contact numbers: [+65 68159922] (Tel) [+65 88669922] (Whatsapp/SMS)
Email: consult@luxaestheticclinic.com 

Very very pleased ((:

My dreams did just came true!

That's all for now, I will keep you guys updated as my nose adjust itself with the new friend (: feel free to contact me if you have any other questions about Nose Threadlift (:

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  1. Hi bianca, how is the first, second and third day? Is it still swollen?

    After a year is still standing tall?


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